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Home > School Fees > Scholarship


Invictus Secondary School offers exceptional students the opportunity to rise to their full potential and make their mark on the world. The scholarships are awarded on the basis of overall academic performance or exceptional talent in music or high potential of strong grades in either GCSE/A-level programmes. Upon successful application, you will be invited for an interview with the campus Principal.

Successful interviewees will be eligible for 25% to 50% remission on the basic annual tuition fee (as authorised by the EDB). Once the scholarship has been agreed upon by the Scholarship Committee, you will be notified in writing within 3 weeks.

Invictus scholarships are open to:

  • New students that Invictus has offered a place and the student qualifies in the categories stated below 
  • Existing students at Invictus that demonstrate a change in the level of achievement, resulting in them meeting the criteria.

There will be several scholarship application windows throughout the school year, follow us on social media or check this page to find out when these windows will open.

Please contact our Admissions Team at for the latest updates.